The Art of Permanent Makeup: The Beautiful Brow

Permanent makeup involves implanting pigments into the skin to reproduce the look of cosmetics. Some of the most popular applications include enhancing colors on the face, specifically around the eyes and even lips.

Microblading is also called as eyebrow embroidery and can dramatically correct of fully reconstruct lost eyebrows. Eyebrow microblading was first introduced in Asia and is performed by manually, drawing individual, crisp hair strokes that are more natural looking than tattooing, brow pencils or powders. The needles used in microblading are thinner and more precise than those used in tattooing.

Micropigmentation is often performed to gradually build up the eyebrow for a natural look. This process involves applying hundreds of dots to help create definition and softness. When both microblading and micropigmentation are combined, the results are dramatic.

Microblading eyebrows is an art and typically results are amazing, but it depends on skin type and texture. Your skin is the canvas! No guarantee should be made to a specific client as results will vary so a proper consultation should take place before the procedure is initiated.

Remember permanent makeup may appear darker when first applied. Color can be 20% to 60% darker, bolder and more solid than expected. This is due to color remaining in the outermost epidermal layers of the skin. However, the color softens within a few days, especially during the healing process. It can take a little time for this transition based upon how quickly the outer layer of exfoliates. Clients should also expect some temporary unevenness of color, which can be taken care of in the follow-up visit.

Proper care following the procedure is necessary to achieve optimal results. Clients should be advised to:

  1. Protect ice packs with a cloth, and apply as necessary to reduce any swelling in the brow area. Sleeping slightly elevated helps alleviate any swelling sometimes seen the day after the procedure.
  2. Before touching the brow area, wash hands thoroughly. Cotton-tipped applicators may be used to cleanse the eye area. Wearing glasses when outdoors an increase protection from dust and other allergens.
  3. Eyebrows can become itchy and the pigment can appear raised. Do not peel, pick or scratch the treated area as the color may heal unevenly and could risk scarring.
  4. For 72 hours, avoid direct shower spray on the area and avoid applying cosmetics, skin creams, ointments, lotions and any cosmetics.

In four to six days, the skin will rapidly exfoliate and will shed evenly, if left alone. The color will appear to lighten until the epidermis becomes more and more transparent. In 30 days or so, the brows will have had a full cycle of cellular regeneration in which permanent makeup has become part of the skin.

Permanent makeup can last for many years, but it depends on many factors such as skin type, environmental exposure, lifestyle and others. To get the most out of permanent makeup use a good sunscreen to help deter fading from the sun. This includes when using a tanning salon. And if considering a chemical exfoliation or some other medical procedure, notify your physician of the permanent cosmetics.

By following these simple guidelines, permanent makeup of hybrid brows should achieve optimal results. To help ensure consistently beautiful hybrid brows, use the NPM Permanent Makeup Machine ORON60. The ORON60 creates crisp, delicate hair strokes rapidly, and smoothly without erupting the skin. NPM also holds a wide variety of needles to help achieve optimal results. The hybrid eyebrow picture above was done using a PROBROWS manual pen and 14curved needle and machine needles 5ST Slope and 0.171RL. Pair the ORON60 with NPM mineral-based pigments, and the results will exceed expectations.

For more information on hybrid brows, visit NPM USA, an international leader in permanent makeup.  NPM is a pioneer in permanent makeup, creating revolutionary high tech tools and unparalleled pigments, while adhering to strict international quality assurance standards. Learn more at



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